Balkan Regional Offices:Albania: Regional Head Office
ACM [Albania]
Tirana Sheraton Hotel, Shopping Mall, Zyra G2, Tirana, Albania. Contact: Petro Vjero / John Ross Int’l: +355 423 79607 / Mobil: 069 5430 934 / Mobil: 069 4094 340 emails: [email protected] / [email protected] Kosovo: Marketing & Sales Office
ACM [Kosovo]
Kalabria rr Rexhep Kransniqi 30/6, Pristina, Kosovo. Contact: Jeton Mehmeti [Toni] Int Tel: +377 45 600 584 emails: [email protected] Future Offices:
Bulgaria / Croatia / Greece / Montenegro / Macedonia / Romania / Sarajevo / Serbia / Slovenia / Turkey.... others to follow... (c) All copy rights and Trademarks reserved- Accrue Group Inc 2004-2013 |
ACM International Inc.
Auckland Hill, West Norwood, SE27, London, UK. Contact: Andy Lee - GGM Office: + 44 75 535 83910 |